Mature Students Society

Mature Student Society

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Speed Quizzing at the Garavogue
Location: Garavogue Bar, Sligo

Nothing to do on a Wednesday night? Join the Mature Students at the Garavogue Bar on a Wednesday night at 9pm! Join via phone and let the hilarity ensues. Entry is five euro per person, paid to Baldy Mick.

Prizes, Prizes To Be Won | €3 / €5 to play | Max 4 per team | Age 18+

Speed Quizzing at the Garavogue

Day Wednesdays
From 21:00, to 23:00
Cost € 5.00
Max 25 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: Garavogue Bar, Sligo

Nothing to do on a Wednesday night? Join the Mature Students at the Garavogue Bar on a Wednesday night at 9pm! Join via phone and let the hilarity ensues. Entry is five euro per person, paid to Baldy Mick.

Prizes, Prizes To Be Won | €3 / €5 to play | Max 4 per team | Age 18+

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About Mature Students Society

The Mature Student Society (M.S.S) is a society where Mature Students and Adult Learns can meet others of similar ages, who are in similar situations in life and to support each other in the transition to college life.

M.S.S Vision: to connect mature students so that they can make those long-lasting friendships one makes in college.

M.S.S Mission: to guide, support and connect mature students with each other and assist in the transition into the college life. To ensure that social gatherings and events are tailored to the needs. preferences and wants of the majority.

Meet the Mature Student Society Committee:


Name: Shauna Mc Hugh, Mature Student Officer with the ATU Sligo Student Union.

Course & Year: Y3, BA English and Psychology.

Current Career: Hospitality Management and Life Coaching & Complementary Therapist.

Future Career Hope: I want to open a B&B for team building activities for corporates, that also hosts group therapy and healing packages. I just want to help people become the best version of themselves.

Three funs facts about Shauna:

1. I love playing Dungeons and Dragons. It gives me a creative outlet.
2. I love going on nature hikes and walks in the forest. Particularly practicing shinrin-yoku.
3. I’m a Libra so I like to keep things well balanced and planned out. I do enjoy going with the flow too.

Shauna's hopes for the Mature Student Society:

I hope that the M.S.S brings a sense of belonging and comfort to the mature student population. I hope that this society makes coming to college when you a that little bit older than most a little less daunting. I hope that this society eases discomfort and provides support and friendships to all that join

Secretary & Social Media: 

Name: Rachael O' Toole

Course/year: 2nd Year Pharmaceutical Science with Drug Development 

Future Career Plans: To work for a great pharmaceutical company!

3 fun facts about Rachael:

1. I love draughts (the boardgame not the cold)
2. I really enjoy quizzes and chats
3. Science fascinates me and I'm an epilepsy advocate for St.James Hospital.

Rachael's hopes for the Mature Student Society:

I want the society to be a calm and fun socially safe place for all those matures out there!(like myself) :) I wish for those in the society to be able to make friends and share their college experience in a positive environment within our society.


Name: Audrey Adams-Horan

Course & Year: Y3 of Quantity Surveying

Current Career:  Mum of 3 and Nana of 1. 

Future Career Hope: I look forward to working in the construction industry and seeing what the future holds. 

Three fun facts about :
1) I love reading fantasy fiction, Robert Jordan's wheel of time was 1 of my favorites.  
2) I've walked part of the camino and plan on finishing it. 
3) I love wild camping with the family. 

Audrey's hopes for the Mature Student Society:
I hope our society continues to provide a secure, inclusive space for all. Returning to college last year as a 40yr old nana was a daunting experience made much easier by society membership. 

Meetings and Events Coordinator:

Name: Erin Hackett

Years and course : Tourism and Event Management Year 3

Current career:
Full time student and mother Future career hope I am hoping to work in the Heritage Tourism industry

Three fun facts about Erin:
1. Not so much an avid reader, as one who inhales books.
2. Once got recognized at customs for my terrible dancing.
3. I laugh at terrible puns and enjoy dad jokes (immensely).

Erin's Hopes for the mature student society’s.
That the society can bring support and friendship for new and established mature students, that will not only benefit them now but in the upcoming years (and hopefully beyond)

Current Committee 3
Chairperson Shauna Mc Hugh
Treasurer Audrey Adams-Horan
Events Officer Erin Hackett

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