***Clubs and Societies Day * 24th September * 10am - 2pm * Main Concourse***

Dance Society

Dance it out!

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About Dance Society

Welcome to our Dance Society! This is where people come and join to express their love and curiosity for dance, whether they're beginners or experienced!

We teach a variety of dance styles including hip hop and contemporary. Anyone who would like to is also more than welcome to teach.

Technique will also be focused on during classes and flexibility will be improved through stretching, so by the end of the ear you'll be a more confident dancer!

Classes will take place on a Monday in the knocknarea area from 8-9:30 pm, Hope we get to see you soon, always happy to see new faces!

Current Committee 3
Chairperson Rayna More
Secretary Sarah Doyle
Treasurer Elijah Garcia

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